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Natural Auto Injury Treatment in Leesburg

Written By Chapman Health Group on October 20, 2021

Natural Auto Injury Treatment Chapman Health Group

More than 12 million motor vehicle accidents occur each year. Whether you suffered a sprained wrist or a broken leg, auto injuries can lead to a lifetime of prolonged discomfort. While many patients turn to medications and risky surgeries, these remedies often address your symptoms rather than the source of your pain. 

At Chapman Health Group in Leesburg, FL, our expert team knows that chiropractic is an all-natural alternative for auto injury treatment that will also heal the root of the problem. 

The Dangers of Auto Injury Complications 

Motor vehicle accidents can cause a number of debilitating injuries, such as whiplash, torn rotator cuffs, herniated discs, and tendonitis. These ailments can lead to chronic pain that severely impacts the patient’s functionality and quality of life. Common solutions for auto injuries, like surgery and prescription drugs, rarely treat the inciting injury and instead focus on alleviating the symptoms. 

Without a proper treatment plan that addresses the root of the pain, symptoms will continue to worsen. That’s why nearly a third of motor vehicle accident victims seek out chiropractic care as a remedy for their auto injuries. 

Treat Your Injury Naturally

Traditional auto injury treatments, like surgery, can be accompanied by lengthy recovery periods, while many pain-relieving medications can cause addiction and unpleasant side effects. Chiropractic care is an all-natural treatment for chronic pain that involves no prescription drugs or invasive surgeries. The process not only alleviates the symptoms of your auto injury, but also deals with the source of your discomfort. 

Why You Should Choose Chapman Health Group

Dr. Chapman, our resident chiropractor, has been helping Leesburg residents treat their auto injury pain for years. His practice combines a patient-first attitude with cutting edge technology to create a uniquely healing experience. 

During your consultation, Dr. Chapman will conduct a comprehensive exam to correctly diagnose the source of your auto injury pain. After evaluating the results,  he will create a personalized treatment plan focused on reducing pain, restoring function, and rehabilitating your injury. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

Don’t let an auto injury keep you from enjoying the best that life has to offer. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Chapman at Chapman Health Group or to request a consultation, call (352) 728-6886 or send us a message here.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Accident Treatment Whiplash Treatment Herniated Disc Treatment